Can you see that? It's my inner dork about to be completely and unabashedly released. (*Cue Oprah voice*)
"I'm weeaaring overalllls!"
The funny thing, is that these "shortalls" were actually the overalls that my mom wore throughout the 1990's. So, I mean I guess you could say they're an oldie, but a goodie. One thing I love about overalls, (despite being overall, a very cute look *ba-dum dum!*) is that you literally can wear whatever you want and just throw a pair of overalls on top. While I haven't yet had a chance to find a pair I love, full length pant overalls are a fabulous look. My advice? Pick a slightly boyfriend-esque style to wear over a basic white tee or crop top with tan sandals or heels.
Happy Friday, bandits!
vintage overalls, tank from Topshop, Ralph Lauren boat shoes, ear cuff by Jewelmint, sea glass ring